September 18,2013
A quorum being present, Chairperson Margaret Byrnes called
the regular meeting of the Patriotic Commission to order at
7:20 p.m. in the 2nd floor conference room of the Town Hall,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Margaret Byrnes, Patricia Begley, Bernard Corona,
Vincent Parys, Susan Tukey, Charles Clark, Gregory Sims, Eugene Pushefski Sr.
Excused: Joan Barbara Ross, Paul Barry
Absent: Edward Dettore, Melodie Wilson
Also present: Robin E. Parys, Clerk,
Opportunity for Citizens to speak: None
New Commission member Gregory Sims was welcomed by the Commission.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Vincent Parys made a motion to approve the minutes of May 22nd, 2013 as is, seconded by Commissioner Charles Clark.
MOTION: Approved
CORRESPONDENCE: Chairperson Byrnes received a letter from Pat Sirrois in regard to the Holiday Fest (Food Collection). The responsibility was relinquished to the Park Dept. for future pickups. Commissioner Corona will make the final drop off of the containers at the designated locations.
BILLS: A motion was made by Commissioner Charles Clark, and seconded by Commissioner Gene Pushefski to pay the bill for office supplies.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Commission Budget is now $11,775, Amounts designated as follows: Clerk- $765.00, office supplies $100.00,
awards - $125.00, special events -$6485.00, flags- $4300.00
UNFINISHED/OLD BUSINESS : Commissioner Vincent Parys suggested that next year we only cancel the July and August meetings in order to have a review of the Memorial Day Parade and any problems that were encountered while everything is still fresh in their minds.
A lengthy discussion ensued about safety of the young parade participants.
NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Charles Clarke made a motion to pay the clerk, seconded by Commissioner Pat Begley.
Commissioner Bernie Corona inquired if the Patriotic Commission will be represented at the Annual Veterans Day Parade in Hartford.
A motion was made by Commissioner Pat Begley, and seconded by Bernie Corona to have Commissioner Vincent Parys represent the Patriotic Commission with a Parade Float.
MOTIONS: Approved.
ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Charles Clarke made a motion that was seconded by Commissioner Vincent Parys to adjourn at 8:25 P.M.
MOTION: Approved
Respectfully submitted
Robin E. Parys, Clerk